Op.Amp Non-Inverting Amplifier
*OPAMP NON-INVERTING AMP V1 3 0 0 sin( 0 1.2 500 ) R1 2 0 100 R2 1 2 100 X1 3 2 1 OPAMP .SUBCKT OPAMP 1 2 6 R_in 1 2 10MEG E_gain 3 0 1 2 100k R_p1 3 4 1k C_p1 4 0 1.59p E_buffer 5 0 4 0 1 R_out 5 6 10 .ENDS .PLOT TRAN v(3) v(1) .TRAN .1m 5m 0 .END .
Op Amp Non-Inverting Amplifier
- The voltage gain for the inverting configuration is set by the ratio of the feedback resistors R1 and R2.
- Plot the input V(3) and output V(1) of the Transient Analysis.
- The innards of the opamp device is defined by a subcircuit.